den Atelier
Rockhal, Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg
den Atelier & Banque Internationale à Luxembourg – BIL proudly present:
[—⏩ LINE-UP ⏪—]
🎵 Querbeat (DE)
QUERBEAT is different from everything you have probably experienced so far. This band is everything BUT standard. The 13 musicians on stage take brass music to another level: They call it Future Brass Punk. Witnessing a concert of Querbeat feels like crowdsurfing on a flamingo. Wait…they are really doing it? Nevertheless, their live performance comes with a great amount of passion, quality and fun. Stop what you’re doing and go party with them!
[—⏩ ABOUT ⏪—]
5 Avenue du Rock’n’Roll,
4083 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
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